Monday, 20 August 2007


Where is all my time going to? the days are flying past me I have so much to do at the moment!
Tomorrow evening is reserved for myself I'll be back with tales of my last few days and of course my excitement to see my Dad on Friday!


Miss Robyn said...

you must read the posts on your mums blog about time and how it seems to be speeding up. She & I were 'discussing' this phenomena alot in emails xoxo
take time and don't rush... in the end it is so much better for your health to do this xo

Sweetpea said...

Thank you Robyn, Just this evening I have said SLOW DOWN LYDIA! xx

Sue Seibert said...

Hey, sounds like you're doing well!! Yup, time does seem to fly...although this last week on our cruise, it actually crept! Glad to be home!!

mrsnesbitt said...

If I could put time in a bottle.....

I'd be a bloody millionaire!

